Iodoform paste

Iodoform paste has a variety of uses in dentistry, including:
Iodoform is used as an antiseptic to treat dry socket, or in combination with eucalyptus oil or glycerine. It can also be used as a dressing for cystic defects, or to promote healing of wounds.
Root canal treatment
Iodoform is used in root canal treatment to treat pulpitis, pulp gangrene, and periapical inflammation. It has a long-term antibacterial effect, dries exudate, inhibits bleeding, and is weakly anesthetic.
Healing and antiseptic dressing
Iodoform is used as a healing and antiseptic dressing after dental surgeries, tooth extractions, and canal preparations. It can stop capillary bleeding and provide a weak analgesic effect.
Root canal filling material
Calcium hydroxide/iodoform paste is a root canal filling material that has shown good results in pulpectomies of primary teeth

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